Abhyanga Treatment
Abhyanga Treatment
60 or 90 min full body Abhyanga oil Treatment.
The treatment is done with conscious intentional movements to gently bring balance to the doshas. To asses which oil and types of movements will support you best on the day, I read pulse, have a look at your tongue and have you answer a few short questions before we begin our session. Abhyanga is one of the most calming and loving practices there is, in fact, the word Sneha which is another word for the treatment, means love or affection in Sanskrit.
The main reason we use oil on the body is to lubricate and help to soften up toxins that are trapped in the muscles and tissues. The oil goes deep into the skin and helps us release what we’re ready to let go of. The herbs and essential oils in the treatment oils I choose are also balancing for the individual.
Bring some extra clothes to wear after the treatment that you are ok getting a bit of oil on. To get the most out of your session, let the oil sink in until you get back home, then take a warm shower and avoid electronics for the rest of the day. Put an old towel over your pillow and sleep with the oil residue overnight, shower your hair only the day after the treatment.